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High Protein Peas and Eggs on Gluten Free Toast

Want to know something that bothers me? Bland or boring food. Especially when I know with just a few tweaks, it could actually taste incredible. I think everyone can relate to not liking a specific food that they assumed was bland, only to spice it up and discover a whole new world of flavor. For example, growing up I was never a fan of peas. For others it could Brussel sprouts or beets. And for a lot of people, this food or ingredient might be something extremely nutritious that they are missing out on.

Like our humble pea. Peas are an excellent source of protein and contains iron, fiber, and antioxidants. They can be good for your eye health, bone health, weight, oxygen circulation, and they have antiviral properties. But the list continues. Peas contain vitamins C and E, those antioxidants we already mentioned, and zinc, all of which contribute to strengthening your immune system. They are also full of vitamins A and B, plus coumestrol, lowering the risk chronic diseases like heart disease or arthritis. Your overall heart-health benefits from peas with the additions of potassium and folate. And they aid digestion, keeping your gut bacteria happy. Thankfully, I am no longer missing this nutrition in my life since discovering recipes like the one below.

This is a quick and easy meal, full of flavor, protein-rich, and perfect for breakfast—or really, anytime of day. I find that foods high in protein are essential for my every day meals, especially if we are talking about my first meal. And if you are in the market like I am for high protein breakfast ideas and inspiration, look no further! Aside from the peas, your protein sources include poached eggs and the gluten-free ingredients in our bread. In fact, with this one dish you will be consuming around 20-27 grams of protein (depending on whether you are consuming one or 2 eggs and the thickness of your sliced bread)! This is assuming you are using a slice of our scrumptious everything bagel bread, which has an astounding 5 grams per serving all on its own. To put this into perspective, your average slice of bread contains only 1.5-2.7 grams. So trust us, if you need fresh, organic gluten-free bread, make sure to get Plantiful Kitchen’s delivered right to your door.

Now, we have covered in this blog before why front-loading with protein in the morning is great for your overall health. But let’s re-cover a few because this is vital. A high protein breakfast avoids blood sugar level spikes, and it keeps you feeling fuller longer. This means you will be less tempted to snack throughout your day, and you will have more energy! It also reduces the risk of chronic illness such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, improves your bone health, and assists in building and maintaining muscles (you might notice some nutritional benefit overlap here from our previous paragraphs). So try out this pea-powered meal that is anything but bland, and let us know how it improved your day!

Ingredients (for one portion):

  • 2 slices Plantiful Kitchen Everything Bagel Bread

  • 200g Frozen Peas (this makes enough for 2-3 people, you can save leftovers in your fridge)

  • ½ Lemon, juiced and zested

  • 2 tbsp EVOO

  • 8-10 Mint Leaves

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 Garlic Clove or Confit Garlic

  • 1-2 eggs

  • 1 Tbsp Hemp Seeds (optional for added Protein)

  • 50 ml White Vinegar


  1. Toast your bread to desired crispiness. 

  2. Make Pea Purée: Boil water in a kettle and pour over the frozen peas. Soak for one minute until thawed, then drain. Blend the peas, lemon juice and zest, extra virgin olive oil, mint, a pinch of salt, and garlic in blender. It does not have to be completely smooth, you can leave it as chunky as you want!

  3. Poach the Eggs: Place about 2 liters of water in a saucepan. Once boiling, add the white wine vinegar. (Tip: if you’ve never poached eggs, crack your egg in a bowl so you can slide it all in at once). Mix the water, creating a nice swirl. Carefully pour the egg in the middle of the swirl, and cook until whites are done, about 3-4 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, making sure not to break the runny yolk. 

  4. Assemble your toast: Spread the purée on your slice of toast and sprinkle with hemp seeds. Add the poached egg on top, and sprinkle some salt and pepper. Enjoy!